A character opens a door, crosses a room and sits down in a chair opposite another character, which whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue.
The key media language skills we were trying to demonstrate was the knowledge and understanding of shots such as match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule. Other aims of the project was to create suspense and interest through the settings and performance of the actors.
180 Degree Rule:
There is an imaginary 180 degree line between the two characters/objects in the scene. The line (or axis) keeps the camera on one end of the line in every shot, meaning the same character will always be on one particular side, therefore not confusing the audience.
Shot Reverse Shot:
Shot Reverse Shot is when one character is shown looking at another character, and then is is reversed and shows the second character looking at the first.
Match On Action:
Match On Action is an editing technique in continuity editing when one shot cuts to another displaying the action of the thing in the first shot.
I worked with Spencer to plan and film the scene and I found that this was a good grouping as we both had very creative ideas and we got straight to the work without no interruptions.
I used my creativity to develop the scenario as I thought we went with a different idea to everyone else's We could have came up with the typical narrative which everyone uses but we decided to try something different and unique which I believe made us stand out from the others. The narrative of our short movie was I was a police officer interrogating Spencer as he had supposedly committed a crime, which no one else did which made is unique.
Story Board:
I think the Story Board was extremely helpful as we planned it all on there first. The story board also helped us to keep concentration and remember what shots and order we were going in. I kept every single shot in the story board, although I decided to merge two shots together as it was not necessary to have them separately.